
Composite Laminate

Composite Veneers

Composite veneer application is one of the commonly chosen dental veneer treatments. It is highly effective in addressing issues such as tooth gaps, tooth discoloration, and tooth misalignment.

The process of applying composite fillings for veneers is performed without causing damage to the teeth, providing a striking appearance to smiles. This method, often applied to teeth, is referred to as aesthetic and cosmetic restoration.

What Are Composite Veneers?

Composite veneers, known as composite laminate veneers, are thin coverings made from composite resin material that are placed on teeth to alter their appearance. If you desire an enhanced aesthetic look, you can achieve favorable outcomes with composite veneers.

In the field of cosmetic dentistry, various veneer applications have become a trend. Galaksi Dental Clinic offers highly ideal and successful procedures to achieve the desired smile design. Bid farewell to worn, chipped, spaced, and misshapen teeth with composite veneers!

How Are Composite Veneers Applied?

The process of veneer application involves a careful and professional step-by-step procedure. The dentist performing the composite veneer procedure will typically:

  • Firstly, request X-rays and consultation for the tooth.
  • Next, if there are gaps or inflammation in the teeth, they will identify and provide necessary treatments.
  • If fillings or gum treatments are required before veneer application, the dentist will conduct these treatments.
  • In the case of composite laminate veneers, the impression is taken in two stages.
  • The first stage includes temporary veneers, which are thicker.
  • Temporary veneers must remain on the teeth until custom-designed permanent veneers are ready.
  • The second stage involves creating custom-designed permanent veneers.
  • Once the laminate veneers are prepared, the dentist will proceed to place the veneers on the teeth.
  • After the application, the dentist will use blue light to cure the veneer filling.
  • The process of laminate veneer application will be complete after all these steps.

Difference Between Composite Veneers and Porcelain Veneers

In the field of aesthetic dentistry, various methods are used to address dental issues. Patients are often curious about the most suitable method for achieving a natural appearance. With advancements in technology, it is now possible to attain a new and aesthetic dental appearance!

In dental clinics, different lamination techniques and materials suitable for tooth enamel and structure are employed. Although the application process may be similar, the materials used differentiate between composite veneers and porcelain veneers. Let’s explain:

Composite Veneers Porcelain Veneers Composite veneers can be shaped and formed more quickly in a dental office environment. This results in efficient and satisfactory outcomes. Porcelain veneers are fabricated in a laboratory setting, allowing for precise shaping and more natural-looking results. They offer a highly esthetic appearance, particularly in natural light. Porcelain veneers provide a very natural appearance. The surface of composite veneers is relatively smooth, making them easy to clean. Composite veneers are convenient and can be repaired even if chipped. Composite veneers may experience some discoloration over time. Discoloration is less likely to occur with porcelain veneers. Composite veneers can be more compatible with gum tissues. Composite veneers do not require significant enamel abrasion and are less likely to cause issues with gums. This comparison outlines some of the key differences between composite and porcelain veneers, taking into consideration their appearance, composition, and practical aspects. Both types of veneers have their own advantages and may be suitable for different dental conditions and patient preferences. It is recommended to consult with a dental professional to determine the best option for your specific needs.

Porcelain Laminate Composite Laminate
Porcelain veneers take shape more easily in the laboratory environment. Thus, more aesthetic results emerge. Composite coatings give fast and successful results. It is performed in a single session in a laboratory environment.
It exhibits a more natural appearance in the light. It is quite aesthetic.
Leaf porcelain veneers create a smoother appearance due to their structure. It is easy to clean. Composite veneers, which are useful, can be repaired even if the tooth is broken.
The color of porcelain veneers remains stable. It does not yellow over time. Composite coatings may turn yellow.
Porcelain veneers provide a more harmonious combination with the gums. Composite veneers do not erode the lip surfaces of the teeth. Thus, it will not cause a problem even if it is not done again.

Do Composite Veneers Stain?

Composite veneers, made from a material closest to the natural tooth structure, can occasionally become stained. Staining can occur due to the consumption of food and beverages, just as with natural teeth. Similar discoloration can occur in composite veneers due to the same factors. However, teeth whitening procedures can be performed, similar to natural teeth.

Avoiding staining of veneers is possible. Especially for individuals using composite veneers, it is advisable to refrain from consuming beverages such as tea, cola, and coffee. Nevertheless, in case of consuming such foods, regular oral and dental care is necessary.

Is Tooth Reduction Required for Composite Veneers?

With the proliferation of dental treatments utilizing adhesive technology today, many methods no longer require tooth reduction. The same applies to composite veneers, where no tooth cutting or abrasion is necessary.

Who Can Receive Composite Veneer?

Due to its quick production time and practical usage, composite veneer treatment is frequently performed. At Galaksi Dental Clinic, there is a substantial number of individuals receiving composite veneers. So, who can get composite veneers? Let’s explain:

Those with gaps between teeth Individuals bothered by significant fillings and cavities in their front teeth Those with naturally or subsequently chipped, cracked, or broken teeth Individuals with minor dental irregularities, such as slight misalignments not requiring orthodontic treatment Those displeased with the shape of their teeth Individuals with smile lines not as they desire, who receive composite veneers to achieve their desired smile design

At What Age Can Composite Veneers be Applied?

To provide an aesthetic smile to individuals over the age of 18, composite veneers suitable for the oral and dental structure are applied. This procedure is carried out while minimizing intervention in the teeth, aiming for a natural smile.

Who Cannot Receive Composite Veneer Treatment?

The application method, a rapid dental veneer procedure, is not suitable for everyone. This is because some individuals’ dental conditions and habits prevent such applications. Here are the circumstances:

Individuals with teeth grinding and clenching issues Those with significant enamel loss in their front teeth that cannot be closed Individuals whose dental and bone structures have not fully developed, who are under 18 years old Individuals with teeth grinding habits are not suitable candidates for composite veneer application.

What Precautions Should be Taken After Composite Veneer Application?

Regardless of how successful dental veneer procedures are, certain points should always be observed. Various factors require special attention for both composite and porcelain veneers. This is because conditions resulting from inadequate and poor dental hygiene can lead to irreversible and challenging treatment processes. What should you pay attention to after composite veneer application? Here are the details:

After veneers are applied, it is essential to brush your teeth twice a day. Using dental floss regularly also contributes to extending the lifespan of veneers. Consuming very hot or very cold foods is among the factors that can shorten the lifespan of veneers. Avoiding the consumption of pigmented foods is also necessary. The most important aspect is to have dental check-ups twice a year.

What is the Lifespan of Composite Veneers?

The lifespan of dental veneers varies depending on various factors. Particularly, paying attention to oral hygiene helps extend the usage lifespan in individuals with veneers. Alongside hygiene, refraining from sticky and hard foods is essential to prolong the use of laminate veneers.

The lifespan of composite veneers ranges from 5 to 15 years. Regular oral care allows veneers to be used

for up to 15 years. However, the absence of regular oral hygiene can lead to issues such as chipping, cracking, and decay in the lower parts of the veneers.

Hence, individuals with composite veneers should avoid consuming pigmented foods and beverages. By adhering to these guidelines after veneer application, it is possible for the veneers to remain functional and aesthetically pleasing for many years.

2023 Cost of Composite Veneers

The cost of composite veneers at Galaksi Dental Clinic varies depending on various factors. Factors such as the need for additional treatments like root canal therapy as determined by the dentist’s thorough examination before the veneer application, as well as the clinic’s standards, the materials used during the procedure, and the expertise of the dental professionals, all contribute to the variation in composite veneer prices in 2023.

When determining prices at our clinic, details such as the condition of the teeth to be veneered, the number of teeth involved, and the number of sessions are emphasized. For detailed information about treatments and prices, you can contact Galaksi Dental Clinic.